Laughter really is the best medicine

Just had the picture below pop up on my facebook page and it made me think.  Yesterday was a good day and today has followed suit.  Not only do we have some freshly painted floors (shower room, utility room and back hallway) but Ash has mended the tumble dryer, restored the utility room following the mending of the tumble dryer, mowed the lawn, trimmed the edges of the lawn and weeded one of the paths.  All of these have given him such a sense of purpose his well-being has risen sky high and he is back to smiling and joking.  In fact today has gone so well I'm in danger of forgetting (but I promise I won't).  The thing is that laughter and joy really do cure most evils and there are days if you're dealing with dementia when there is little of either so the trick I've decided is to grab the good times with both hands and laugh as much as possible whenever you can (although you need to keep the hysteria at bay obviously).  Before all of this started most days Ash would make me laugh from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed and it really was the best feeling ever.  If you can meet obstacles with humour you can overcome most difficulties so see the funny side, create smiles in others and, if you're not currently in one, remember the good times you've had.  It really will help.
