My social life is picking up
This is what happens when I don't post every day! I miss one day because I'm busy doing something different and then I can't think what to say and then I get lazy. But, as you can see, I've given myself a stern talking to and am back up and writing once again. So what was I doing to keep me so busy? I had friends come for a sleepover and it was wonderful. It's so long since I've been able to do anything remotely similar that I'd forgotten what fun it was. I cooked a meal, there was wine with it and ice cream afterwards (not my normal diet at all so it felt very decadent) and we watched a film in front of the fire. Bedtime was late, chatting was on the agenda and it was all very lovely. This is how life used to be and it's very much how I hope life will be in the future. I already have plans for the summer once I've got the garden sorted out and, once again, I'm feeling human so all is well in my world right now. I hope it is in yours...