Exciting times ahead

You'll be pleased to know that I'm over yesterday's little blip and back on track partly due, I think, to the fact that the next step of the carer plan means I have a night off tomorrow. The lovely L is coming at lunch time and I'm going to spend the afternoon with my mum followed by the evening and night with Jake and the seven year old then a whole day to myself on Thursday, coming home for 5pm. Keep your fingers crossed for me because if this works it opens up a whole new world of possibilities. If it doesn't then of course I'll have to have a rethink because, however much I need my life to open up a little, I won't do anything which distresses Ash. This has been in the planning for ages, even before my week away, but it was only this morning when I realised how excited I am and that showed me something else too. When you share your life with dementia, however much you love, care for, and are committed to the person with the diagnosis your life shr...