Today was a good day

Sorry for the lack of posts over the last few days but I've struggled a bit since my day off was cancelled. I was fine on Thursday which was the day that was actually affected but that's because I was prepared and determined. I kept myself occupied and my chin up. Friday was dreadful, Saturday morning was fun because it involved a walk with friends, Saturday afternoon, Sunday and Monday were dreadful and I couldn't shake off my feeling of gloom. Then we moved in to today and I was back on track. Coffee with an old work colleague of Ash's gave us the excellent start we needed. She brought photos and not only that but photos with names underneath which meant he could put those names to the faces and then brought to mind other memories about where they'd been, what they'd done and you could almost see him grow in stature as he remembered who he used to be. It really was lovely to see. We got home from that to find friends and neighbours in the chur...