There's nothing like a few days away

I'm back and still relishing, you'll be pleased to know, the thought of my few days away. There were films to watch, books to read and silence to enjoy in a way I can't do at home. Don't want to get up in a morning? never mind, just stay in bed. Not ready to go to bed (or actually fancy going to bed early) that's ok, suit yourself. These are such simple things for anyone not living a life affected by dementia but for those of us that are they're rare and should be enjoyed whenever they're on offer. This may sound odd but one of the best things was setting out on a walk and abandoning it because it was boring and it had started to rain. This is something that sounds so easy to most people but with Ash if we've set out to do something we have to follow through because any deviation from the plan causes chaos in his head and that is to be avoided at all costs. And how did he cope? Apparently when I'm not here he can make his own morning cup of te...