Mood swings
These aren't Ash's mood swings but mine. By the end of every day I've usually figured everything out and all, or almost all, is right with the world. However first thing in the morning is a different matter. Since the day of his diagnosis Ash has been emotionally distant and nothing underlines this more than me reaching for his hand when we wake up only to find that he doesn't respond. I am so used to being the centre of his world and the reason for his smiles that this is very disconcerting. We got together a year before I took my 'O' levels (GSCEs for young things reading this) and the day my results came through the post had the potential for disaster. As you may imagine I hadn't spent the year totally focused on school and only managed to scrape one B and one C. My mum wasn't impressed. Luckily Ash was around and spent the whole day lifting my spirits and making me laugh out loud (also luckily somehow the school was persuaded to let me move o