Tiredness - the cause of many difficulties
My first post for nineteen days. How on earth did that happen? I was going to say that I don't know but I think I do, I've had writers block and every time I've sat down at my computer I've struggled to find a starting point and, as is my way when I attempt something difficult, I gave up before I started. It's not just that, however, it's more that I'm tired of it all. I'm physically tired, emotionally exhausted and weary to my soul. The joy has gone, although there's still fun to be had. I still have outings with friends where we chat, drink coffee, laugh and generally enjoy each other's company; Jake came over for Mother's Day and the three of us had the loveliest day; Ash and I go out most days and quite often find something to smile about; I get days out on my own while S stays with Ash and that's more than lots of people in my situation have but, increasingly, I find it's not enough. I'm living someone else's life...