Reality check
My good mood lasted right up until I got home last night but then the man who used to do all the cooking in this house tried to set the timer on the cooker. He stared at it for ages, then got down on his knees to get a better look and finally managed to set it for 20 hrs instead of 20 minutes with no concept of how long it was taking to go through the clock. This sent shock waves down my spine and scared the life out of me. Jake thinks it could just be Ash's way of reacting to the stress of everything I'm going through with my mum and he's probably right but on the other hand it could be another step down the hill of dementia and I won't really know until things have calmed down a bit. Then this morning we went grocery shopping and he snapped at me. In our previous life this never happened and it always shocks me when it happens now. I'd been awake since 4am again and was so tired I just dissolved into tears which of course made it all worse....