
Showing posts from May, 2021

Exciting times ahead

 I haven't been on here much this week and wanted you to know it's all because I'm going away next week and there's so much to do.  Far more in fact than I would have thought possible.  The Boy Wonder AKA Jake is coming for the week and, because I really don't want Ash to be at all stressed, anxious or upset, the whole thing is being planned with military precision.  Not only that, all that needs to be done to get ready for my trip has to be done without Ash realising and that takes some effort so there really hasn't been room in my head for much else. Ash knows Jake and the seven and a half year old are coming for a 'boys weekend' so he also knows I won't be here and that seems to be working fairly well so far.  What he doesn't know is that I won't be coming home on Monday but Jake and I have a story to cover that.  I could of course tell him the truth, and some of you may feel I should, but what would be the point?  He would be very, very a...

An outlet for frustration

 Last week, as you know, ended badly.  Ash came to boiling point accusing me of taking over and leaving him with nothing to do and I made it all worse by failing to bear in mind that it was the dementia talking and not my lovely Ash of old.   We got over it and tiptoed round each other for a while but gradually things have returned to normal.  Or have they?  In fact life is better now than it has been for quite a while and this has set me thinking.   As usual I've consider the event from all angles and it's occurred to me that what happened last week has happened before in an almost identical manner.  There've been two or three difficult moments spread over two or three weeks and then one almighty row until, finally, I've seen flashes of the old Ash with his sense of humour and his laid back nature.  This time that's been here in spades.  He's come to find me and started conversations, he's taken my hand and, yesterday, I had my fir...

It's a new day

Today I decided to mow the field at the front of the house. When we moved here, nearly thirty six years ago, the field was a bit of a wasteland then Jake grew up a little and Ash mowed a wicket in the middle of the field so that he and his friends could play cricket.  Gradually that wicket got bigger and bigger until Ash decided to mow the whole field and he carried on with that for years and years and years, right up until dementia started to take hold and he often didn't notice the length of the grass.  At that point our lovely neighbours took over keeping it tidy, firstly pretending they were helping Ash but then just getting on and doing it.  That's been going on for three summers now and has worked brilliantly, Ash is happy the tradition of keeping the field tidy is carrying on, a younger generation is getting involved and he's been fine with it all. So I didn't need to do the mowing but I've being eyeing that space up, along with the church yard next door, for...

On the up again

 It really isn't possible to keep me down for long and, although yesterday was a bit of a struggle, today I'm feeling much more like me again.   The recovery began with a two hour walk with friends in the wind and the rain.  I'd suggested we postpone the wet and windy walk and met for breakfast instead but they insisted we put our boots on and got out there and I'm very glad they did.  There really is nothing like running along in the bracing fresh air to catch up with those who have much longer legs than you to blow the blues away.  My mood took a downward dip in the afternoon and evening but then recovered after chats with a couple of friends in a similar situation to me.   This morning saw me out on another damp walk only this time with a different friend.  Got home to discover comment after comment and message after message from all you, everyone of them supportive and uplifting, and there I was riding high once again.  So high in fa...

It's not all plain sailing

 Yesterday I told you all, very excitedly and with great pride, how well the two long days with L had gone.  My careful planning had worked and we'd come through it all not only unscathed but with Ash in a better place than before.   Well I really should have known better because, about an hour after that piece was posted, all hell was let loose.  I've thought and thought about it all and still can't figure out what the trigger was but apparently I've taken all his jobs away from him and left him with nothing to do.  I'm managing and controlling and never allow him to think for himself and everything is my fault.   You have no need to tell me that it's the dementia talking, that he doesn't mean any of it and that he's just taking his uncertainties out on me;  I know all that and normally I keep my feelings under wraps and carry on while ignoring it all as best I can.  Where possible I manage to placate him and rebuild the self esteem tha...

This caring thing .......

 ......... seems to be working out.  The first step was to get outside carers involved so done that and learnt lessons along the way.  The biggest lesson of all has been that Ash is not the person I used to know and love so, consequently, I now have no idea what's best for him.  At the beginning of the carer search I was adamant that whoever it was had to be male and close to Ash's age because I knew that's the kind of person he'd relate to.  A friend who has far more experience of this than I do told me that I might be surprised but of course I knew better; only it turns out that I didn't and the carer who's working out rather well is a thirty five year old 'girl' (from my perspective) who manages to get Ash to talk, get involved in baking activities and instruct her on their daily nature walks. And so to this week which was the second step in the plan.  I'd decided I needed to leave Ash for longer and get him to the stage where he wasn't relian...

A caring plan

I now have two carers in place, the lovely L doing her Thursday still and A coming on Tuesdays for 4 hrs.  A starts properly next week but came last Tuesday and the visit seemed to go well.  I have lots to tell you on the carer front actually but not today.  Tomorrow and Wednesday are the beginning of a long term plan so think it will be good to wait until we're through them and then I can give you all the details at once. My plan is a very gentle step by step approach and I have hopes that it will work out.  I'm putting a lid on the hopes of course because I'd hate to be disappointed but I really think that if I go slowly and carefully it could really work and I might have a little more free time while Ash has the company of people who know what they're doing and have far more patience than I ever will. Actually I will tell you that last Thursday I'd planned to go out for lunch with a friend but we weren't leaving until 45 minutes after L had arrived.  I though...


 Hello.  Did you wonder where I'd gone, or maybe you didn't even know I'd been missing but that's such a dispiriting thought I've dismissed it from my mind without even really considering it.   The truth is that I've been poorly.  Not proper poorly, just ears that couldn't hear and a feeling of being so far underwater that my brain refused to function.  Am back in the land of the living now and almost feeling normal so here I am with my thoughts once again. I was going to post yesterday.  I had a lovely morning tramping over, and through, the Lincolnshire Wolds with a friend where we covered numerous topics and agreed on almost all of them which is always satisfying, then I came home, had lunch and was feeling ready to share my world with you again.  That feeling lasted right up until Ash and I went out wood collecting.  I'd asked him to come and push the full barrow home and he'd agreed so what on earth could go wrong? We got into the church...

Confusion is in the house

 The past couple of days Ash has been confused and befuddled, with today being particularly difficult.  I put it down to the weather because, although he can talk at great length on how there's no such thing as bad weather only bad clothing, when outside is dull and dreary it seeps into his very soul as far as I can see and that makes life difficult for both of us. Ash has specific jobs that he likes to take responsibility for such as cleaning the fire out, getting the coal in, walking the dog, taking the bins up to the road and taking photos of happenings in the village and when the sun's out those jobs are enough.  When it isn't he walks aimlessly around the house trying his best to think of something to do and failing miserably.  Whatever I suggest is wrong and puts him in a worse mood and even the television doesn't hold his interest for long so he turns to food.   Cheese scones, a small gammon joint, cream cheese, bread and almost everything else I bou...

Another watershed moment

I've never got changed to go out of the house.  I realise other people do that but I never have.  I dressed in a morning and, unless we were going out for a meal or to the pub (and not always then), the clothes I put on in a morning were the ones I wore for the rest of the day.  I didn't have work clothes and leisure clothes I just had 'clothes' and for many, many years those clothes were black so that I could fade into the background and go, mostly, unnoticed.   Recently however, as you know, I've lost weight, quite a bit of weight as it happens and as a result I've discovered a new interest in clothes.  I look at them on-line and sometimes I buy them but we have dementia in the house and Covid in the outside world so we no longer go out and I could find no reason to wear the new clothes I'd either already bought or, sometimes, longed to buy.   Now, there have been several watershed moments along this road to dementia including the purchase of a ...

Yet another woody adventure

I had a brilliant afternoon in the garden yesterday using gadgets and things.  First the lawn mower, then the new trimmer thingy (can you tell I really don't have much idea what I'm doing out there) and, finally, the small electric saw which was used to create sticks.   While I was at work with the saw I remembered some logs which are laid at the side of the footpath not too far from the house.  They've been there two or three years now and  no-one has laid claim to them so I decided to collect them and add to my slightly diminishing pile at the bottom of the garden.  At that point I remembered the day I came home laden down with far too many pieces of firewood and, as a result, almost ended up tipping backwards into the stream.  I wasn't doing that again so I decided to take the wheelbarrow which I planned to load with the logs before pushing it back through the church yard and into the garden where I could unload it easily, neatly and without fuss. I...