Making life choices

None of us has the perfect life and the one Ash and I are living at the moment certainly isn't one I would have chosen, neither however is it anywhere near as bad as I feared it was going to be. I would even go so far as to say that, in most parts, it's better now than it's ever been and that has to be down to the choices I've made over the last two years. When we were first given the diagnosis I thought it was the end of everything, that we were doomed to living in a twilight world dominated by dementia and the things he was no longer able to do but I can say with great certainty that things haven't turned out that way at all. I know I have bad days where I feel sorry for myself beyond belief but I've realised fairly recently that once upon a time I chose to hang on to those feelings, hug them tightly and wallow in them. Recently I've felt myself batting them away whenever they've threatened to engulf me and as a result those days are fast becomi...