Some people should know better
At the beginning of the year, after a long battle, our GP surgery finally managed to get a message about Ash's dementia to flash up on their computer screens when his name was put into the system This action had been promised and promised but somehow had taken 14 months to achieve. They also put a message onto his notes that all appointments were to be made through me. You'd think that would be common sense when dealing with dementia and he had signed the consent form but even now, and with that message, admin staff still phone asking to speak to Ash and then make a big show of checking the notes when I suggest talking to me. So, anyway, two weeks ago he was called to the surgery with regards to his blood pressure. We saw a lovely GP who was very helpful but something about her questions prompted me to ask if a message had flashed up on her screen regarding Ash's dementia. It appeared that it hadn't so she immediately emailed the practice manager to g...