Support (or lack of it) in all it's guises

I hear a lot from people whose friends have abandoned them once a diagnosis of dementia enters their lives, who are left to muddle through as best they can, whose families argue amongst themselves over the best way to deal with the situation and whose acquaintances can't see a problem. Everyone's situation is different however and as far as we're concerned we've been very lucky. Jake came on that initial course with me and so we sing from the same hymn sheet and he is always there if I need him while friends have been extraordinarily supportive with invitations to events, short breaks and suppers most definitely not in short supply. Not only that but there is always a plan in place to make sure Ash can cope with whatever social situation we're in which means he's relaxed when we go to anything as he doesn't find any of them difficult. If he doesn't want to go for whatever reason (usually because there will be too many people) I go on my own and everyo...