Tipping point
Someone asked a group yesterday 'what is your tipping point'? What they meant was what was it that would tip us over the edge into realising we can't cope? This seems to me to be a negative way of looking at things and I wondered how we could turn it on it's head and make it a positive. Don't get me wrong, I know there will come a time when I can't cope but I'm hoping that by looking at the positives I can put that day off for a long time to come and we're certainly not anywhere near it just yet. Even Penny Garner from Contented Dementia Trust, who is the most positive person I know, tells us to be prepared for the one crisis which makes us realise we need professional help but day to day I feel we should be looking for solutions to make life manageable and even, dare I say it, enjoyable. A friend told me once about the uncle who lived with her. He had dementia and kept waking her in the night saying that there was someone in his bedroom. She was at her wits end and feeling bruised from lack of sleep until she noticed that his bath robe was hanging on the back of his bedroom door. When he woke this was the first thing he saw and, due to changes in his perception, he thought the shape was a person. The bathrobe was removed and broken nights were a thing of the past. Another friend was having difficult persuading his wife to have a shower (something that is common with those diagnosed with dementia). He persuaded her that they were having a spa day, poured them each a glass of prosecco and waltzed her into the shower. After that wonderful experience she was once again happy to get clean. There is I think almost always a solution if we look hard enough but we do have to work at this. None of it comes easily so what we need to ask ourselves is not what brings us to the end of our tether but rather what makes it all worthwhile. My first tipping point came when I realised that we were laughing with each other just as we used to; the second and final one came when I listened to the message Ash had left on the answerphone about 5 years ago. It made me remember the real him and filled me with a determination to get that person back and keep him by my side. The realisation that we had something worth fighting for made all the difference.
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Also remember that comments are always welcome especially now that I've managed to use the correct settings so that we can read what you put.
If you have a question or comment you don't want to share with the world then feel free to email me at memoryfortwo@gmail.com.
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