Working together

Following on from comments left a couple of days ago I've added a new page to the blog and updated an existing one.  There was already a page for strategies (Top Tips) but now there is a page for practical ideas too.  I've divided it up so we can have useful websites, helpful books and then practical things people have done to make their life easier.  If you have anything you want to share then please comment and I can add your suggestion.  If we work together we will be able to achieve so much more and just the couple of suggestions put forward at the weekend made so much sense and were things I would never have thought of.  I spend a lot of time trawling the internet looking for ideas to make our lives better and being able to access other people's experiences would be so helpful.

I have to say that I'm really excited about this new development on the blog.  Writing it has already helped me so much and the thought of helping others just by being able to share information is just brilliant.  Please, please share your ideas and ask others to contribute too.

NB: if you subscribe to this blog and don't receive a verification email then check your spam/trash box as it may be in there.  Without the verification email you won't automatically get the daily posts although you will still be able to access the blog and keep up to date that way.

Also remember that comments are always welcome especially now that I've managed to use the correct settings so that we can read what you put.  Suggestions to add to the 'top tips' and 'practical help' are also very welcome.

If you have a question or comment you don't want to share with the world then feel free to email me at
