Life is going to be different

Some of you may have noticed that my posts have been a little sporadic over the past couple of weeks and that's because I've been tied up with one of the best parts of my job and the one I'm going to miss the most.  For the last 3 years each Easter and summer holidays I've been in charge of a play scheme for children with complex needs and this was the first of 2019 (and the last for me altogether).  A lot of planning goes into these (approximately 18 children and 23 members of staff at each one) and while they're running I find them all consuming so no time or energy for blogging.  Also I find that spending my days with children who are unable to do a single thing for themselves but still have a smile for the people caring for them makes me less inclined to focus on my own needs or those of anyone else in my life.  These children really did make me appreciate my own life which, in the scheme of things I've decided, really isn't all that difficult.

Anyway play scheme is now over and I'm on countdown to finishing work with today being a practice run.  And today has been quite wonderful so far (I'm typing this at 3.30pm).  I've gardened in the sunshine, downloaded some new audio books, begun listening to one of my new audio books while wielding the secateurs, been inspired by Terry Pratchett's 'A Slip of the Keyboard' at lunchtime and am really looking forward to the start of my new life and making the most of every moment.  Watch this space to see how it all goes.

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Lesley said…
Congratulations on another successful playscheme! You have earned a little 'down time' so enjoy the weekend and the new phase you are moving towards. I spent all day on the allotment and am now happy but shattered!
Sarah H said…
Well done you! You are going to be missed without a doubt but good for you to be opening a new chapter. I’m looking forward to the benefits!
Ann said…
This is brilliant news Jane! Well done for taking the brave (& wise my humble opinion) decision to concentrate on Ash, yours and your family’s needs. You’ve ‘done your bit’ at work, very successfully from the sounds of things, now it’s time for you. Be very proud of yourself Jane, and we wish you lots of happiness in your new life.

We look forward to continuing this ‘journey’ with you and Ash.
Jane said…
Thank you for all these comments. Occasionally in the past I've given up work and never felt quite ready but this time I really do think it's time for 'us'.