Bed building

A busy and slightly stressful few days have just disappeared into the ether hence the lack of posts on here but we're back up and running now and ready to entertain and inform you all.  Yesterday saw, for complicated reasons, Ash and Jake fetch a single pine bed frame down from the loft.  It needed new slats so the tape measure came out and we discovered that it was too wide for the slats I could order from the internet but too narrow for the double bed ones available so Ash and Jake decided that we could get some wood, screw it to the inside of the frame and reduce the interior width (no, I didn't quite understand either).  This sounded like the sort of thing Ash used to do in his sleep and he was really enthusiastic about doing something which would save us buying a new bed and in the process save us money.  The tape came out again and the bed was measured inside and out, floor to the top of the bed frame and top to bottom with all measurements being written in his 'jobs' book.  This morning he took the book out again but couldn't remember what the figures meant or why he'd written them down.  Luckily we've moved on from the times when he would have been reduced to a quivering wreck, cross and frustrated about why he couldn't remember and when I'd explained it all again he went off quite happily to get what he needed.  This sounds great but I was sad.  The job really was one that not too long ago he would have done without thinking but the man who built a brick and tile veranda across the entire width of the house, who built a raised patio to replace some sheds he'd knocked down, who plumbed in an entire shower room and utility room when the plumber let us down, who took a sledge hammer to uncover a brick fireplace he was sure he could detect behind the current plaster wall (and was correct in the thinking), who could do any job I asked the minute I asked, yesterday struggled to work out how to screw two pieces of wood to a bed frame.  HOWEVER I've just been to look and the wood is screwed in place, perfectly aligned and ready for the slats to be placed on top so he can still do it, it just takes a little more time and a lot more thinking about and, best of all, we didn't have to buy a new bed after all.

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Sarah H said…
Glad to hear the hard bit on the bed is sorted! Taking a little more time isn’t all bad, frustrating as it might seem and Ash got there 🙂 Look forward to a bit slower pace of life . . . it’s good! xx
Lesley said…
What I loved here was that you were able to re-explain to Ash and he was able to take that on board without getting upset. You still work well together and get stuff done - how cool is that!
Jane said…
Doesn't always work but we're getting better. Think it all might be easier when life is a little less complicated.