Great North Swim here we come

Will shortly be setting out for the Lake District to watch Jake's adventure in Lake Windermere.  He's been training hard and I'm completely in awe of the fact that, just as Ash is retreating from his old self, Jake is discovering the commitment, energy levels, confidence and determination his dad used to have.

Anyway, up early to pack clothes, food, electronics, the all important clock telling the day, date and time and all those other small things that make Ash feel safe enough to allow him to function away from home.  The dog's coming with us and we have planned walks so very little is left to chance.  Oh and apparently there's a fish and chip shop right opposite the cottage so we won't starve.  What else could we want!

To date Jake's raised £1813.17 on-line and £75.00 in cheques which, for those of you who've only joined us recently, is all for Contented Dementia Trust.   If you've missed all my ramblings about the amazing work they do then go to  and if you would like to sponsor Jake or just find out more about what he's doing and why then go to  The forecast for Sunday, the day of his swim, looks quite appalling, so the more support we can all give him the better I think.

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Ann said…
Our good wishes go with you, most especially for Jake. What a star he is, for even attempting this arduous swim. Our thoughts and prayers will be for you on Sunday, Jake!
Jane said…
Thank you. sponsorship has just gone over £1900.00 which has helped him focus while looking at the weather forecast. Also knowing that everyone's thinking of him helps more than you can know.