Making the most out of life

This week seems to have been a bit of a social whirl.  Of course it's all relative and against other people's lives it might not seem much but, with the help of friends and family, this week I've been out and about enjoying myself.  Tuesday saw me over at my mum's house meeting the new estate agent (and yes there is a story in there somewhere) and letting the engineer in to remove the stair lift.  I then had around 4 hours of complete peace and quiet before I met up with number 1 son for a meal and a catch up then back to mum's for a night on my own.  This was made possible because a friend in the village offered to call in on Ash to check he was ok and best of all he was happy with this arrangement so I had nothing to worry about while I was away which is a HUGE step forward.  Today it was a trip out with another friend for a day courtesy of the National Trust.  Each of us has a specific difficulty in our lives at the moment and neither of us has any idea how long we're going to be able to have these days out so have made a pact that this summer we're going to visit as many National Trust properties as we can to do it while we can.  This actually isn't as easy as it sounds - we live in Lincolnshire with only 3 properties in the county - so today we managed two in Nottinghamshire.  Great day out in excellent company and I'm heading towards the weekend feeling like a new woman.

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Lesley said…
That's fantastic! Love NT properties - always a haven of quiet and cream teas!
Ann said…
Just the ticket! Long may it continue...
Sarah H said…