The benefits of sitting on my hands.
Three days ago Ash announced that the outside light on the side of the house needed replacing. He searched on-line and found just what he wanted at a large DIY chain in our nearest town so we bought it and I hoped he'd then forget about the whole scheme. Two days ago he dashed that hope by announcing, about an hour before I was due to meet a friend for coffee, that he was going to replace the light. As this whole project involved electricity, heights and a tall ladder I arranged for the friend to come to me for that drink and then sat on my hands and kept my mouth tightly closed as he got started. Well it took a while but at the end of a couple of hours we had a working outside light and an Ash with a new-found confidence. Today sees him replacing the floor of the log shelter and a request to order shed paint so that he can rejuvenate the summer house, garden fence, trellis and the five and a half year old's play house. What a good job I managed to sit on my hands and keep my mouth tightly closed rather than following my instincts and suggesting getting an electrician in.
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