What's made the difference?
We're still on track here and life is still lovely so I've had time to think about what exactly happened during those big discussions we had a couple of weeks ago. One of the things I did that I think might have made a difference to Ash's view of what's happening to him was to sign him up to receive Wendy Mitchell's blog. Wendy was diagnosed with Early Onset Dementia at the age of 58 and some of you may remember me raving about her book 'Which Me am I Today?'
She hasn't let her diagnosis get in the way of life but has learnt to accommodate her dementia by making alterations where she needs to and, as a result, travels around the country by train taking part in a variety of events, joining groups for discussions around dementia and speaking on the radio. She acknowledges that her life has changed and there is much that she is now unable to do but she also focuses on what she can do and how she makes the most of her life now rather than dwelling in the past. She writes her blog https://whichmeamitoday.wordpress.com/if not every day then most days and when she does both Ash and I get it through on email. Now I have to tell you at this point that if Ash gets an email he's not expecting or one he doesn't understand he always asks me to look at it and explain what it is. The interesting thing here is that he hasn't mentioned Wendy's blog once which means he does know what it is, he is expecting it and he does understand it and I'm sure Wendy's tales of her experiences have helped him to realise his life isn't at an end and there are things to look forward to. Ash had all but given up but now he's taking things in his stride again, he's able to laugh at the things he can't do and he accepts that we need to make changes so I do think I'm on to something here. I realise that if he was further through this journey of dementia than he is the blog wouldn't have had the same effect but if you're in a similar position to me then it might just be worth a try.
Don't forget you can sign up to have this delivered straight into your inbox (just remember to click on the validation email which may not be in your inbox), you can share posts with others or you can email me at memoryfortwo@gmail.com
She hasn't let her diagnosis get in the way of life but has learnt to accommodate her dementia by making alterations where she needs to and, as a result, travels around the country by train taking part in a variety of events, joining groups for discussions around dementia and speaking on the radio. She acknowledges that her life has changed and there is much that she is now unable to do but she also focuses on what she can do and how she makes the most of her life now rather than dwelling in the past. She writes her blog https://whichmeamitoday.wordpress.com/if not every day then most days and when she does both Ash and I get it through on email. Now I have to tell you at this point that if Ash gets an email he's not expecting or one he doesn't understand he always asks me to look at it and explain what it is. The interesting thing here is that he hasn't mentioned Wendy's blog once which means he does know what it is, he is expecting it and he does understand it and I'm sure Wendy's tales of her experiences have helped him to realise his life isn't at an end and there are things to look forward to. Ash had all but given up but now he's taking things in his stride again, he's able to laugh at the things he can't do and he accepts that we need to make changes so I do think I'm on to something here. I realise that if he was further through this journey of dementia than he is the blog wouldn't have had the same effect but if you're in a similar position to me then it might just be worth a try.
Don't forget you can sign up to have this delivered straight into your inbox (just remember to click on the validation email which may not be in your inbox), you can share posts with others or you can email me at memoryfortwo@gmail.com