The mystery of the missing washing up liquid

Some things in this new life of ours make me cry, some make me laugh and then there are those things that leave me completely bemused.  I now know to search the cupboards if I can't find the slate cheeseboard in it's usual place or the mixing bowl where it normally lives and I've written before about the mug rack standing empty while one of the cupboards is full to overflowing with mugs.  Actually it's not only cupboards that I have to open, the last time the cheese board went missing it wasn't in any of the usual places but turned up unexpectedly several weeks later in a chest of drawers.  Two things today have stood out from all of those however.  Firstly the washing up liquid went missing.  I really have no idea where it's gone and went through every cupboard I could find before moving onto the recycling bin which was still waiting to be emptied this morning but that plastic bottle was nowhere to be found so I moved outside and went to look in Ash's shed ('why would it be out there?' I hear you ask.  'No particular reason but I was running out of options' is my reply).  Anyway still no sign of the washing up liquid but what I did find balanced next to the lawn mower was an unopened jar of sweet peppers in oil which Ash has in his sandwiches every day.  He makes his lunch in the kitchen not in the shed so I have no idea what they were doing out there and, as I can't ask him (he wouldn't remember and would feel stupid for putting them there), I can only begin to imagine the reason.  One of these days I really will write a book.
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