Summer's almost over, should we be nervous?
According to the forecast we haven't quite finished with summer but I like to plan ahead. This time last year I was beginning to panic about winter and how to get through the dark days ahead. I asked for ideas to keep myself occupied, for upbeat music recommendations and suggestions for keeping calm. We've come a long way since then and this year I'm actually quite looking forward to the short days and inclement weather. I've bought a gardening book telling me what to do each month and, to my surprise, the area at the back of the house doesn't go into hibernation until spring. Apparently there are still jobs to be done out there. I'm also planning on doing some decorating, am looking at new recipes to try out, thought I might invite friends over for coffee/tea on a regular basis (to try out some of the new recipes possibly), have books to read, films to watch and I might even go for walks with the dog. On top of all that I've decided to take up with my family tree again. I did this a few years ago and discovered I could while away hours without even realising so it seems an ideal way to spend some of my time over the next few months. This year I have no intention of being bored, of giving in to dread or of wasting my days in unproductive pastimes. Having said that, I'm a great believer in the saying 'time you enjoy wasting isn't time wasted' so some days I may do absolutely nothing. This summer has been mostly brilliant but now I think I'm ready for a change so bring on Autumn and let's see what happens next.
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