Trip to London
Had a lovely couple of days meeting up and spending time with friends. Friday saw lunch with two friends I have known even longer than I've known Ash and that was just brilliant. We sat outside in the sunshine and put the world to rights discussing mothers, children and events in the distant past all of which left me with a very welcome feeling of wellbeing. Then came my trip to London yesterday with yet another friend to discover buildings not usually open to the public. We arrived early in the morning when the city was just waking up and for a couple of hours felt as though we had it almost to ourselves. We got lost a couple of times mainly due to the fact that I'd left the A-Z on the kitchen table so we were reliant on technology but it didn't matter and anyway as a result of getting lost we discovered a building that hadn't been on our list of places to see but was well worth the diversion. The sun shone, we found a great pub for lunch, we walked miles and came home thoroughly exhausted but with a sense of accomplishment. One of the very best bits of the trip however came with the realisation that Ash had coped on his own. I left home at 5.40 yesterday morning and didn't get back until 8 last night but he managed and not only that I drew the curtains this morning to discover that he'd mown the lawn including the bit that he usually misses nowadays just because it's slightly hidden from view. This is the longest I've left him on his own for months and months as I usually arrange for someone to call and check he's ok but this time I knew he had my mobile number so could ring me if he needed to know anything and I made the judgement that he would be ok. And he was. I'm now wallowing in a feeling of complete satisfaction and ready once again to face whatever life throws at us. Never underestimate the benefits of doing fun things with friends.
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