Focusing on the good is a good way to go

I sat down this morning to tell you about the trials and tribulations of dealing with adult services in this county with regard to my mum but it's all soooo depressing and my new resolution, if you remember, is to try and focus on the positive so that wouldn't do at all.  I did however remember a conversation I had years ago with someone who worked for the council.  We were in a meeting and I'd commented on 'the grand plan'.  There was a short pause and then she replied 'I work at the council and I can assure you there is no plan, grand or otherwise'.    I'm now here to tell you that 20+ years later nothing has changed.  Forms asking for detailed financial information are sent for completion 'within six days' or we'd have to start all over again (this on a Friday as we're going away for the weekend), telephone messages go unanswered, further information is requested from us then ignored, promises are made but not kept, the list is endless but, as I say, too depressing to be reported in detail so what do I talk about?  Not the hours awake worrying about it, or the oversleeping once I was snuggled back in bed and had thawed out, not the rain which poured and poured down overnight.  Instead I can tell you about the beautiful pale pink and blue sky I could see out of the window when Ash drew back the curtains this morning, the colour of the leaves on the trees in that same view, the anticipation of lunch with Jake and my mum in 'the bar' at my mum's fabulous care home which is to come later, the thought of the wonderful Rembrance Day concert on the tv last night.  Life is never all bad, but sometimes you have to focus hard to find the good.

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Lesley said…
Have a look at my fb post today - trying hard to do the same!
Jane said…
Beautiful photos. It's hard to be negative when we're surrounded by all that.
Lesley said…
Yes, we were so lucky - golden sunshine and all the autumn colours have got to lift your spirits!