Life's irritations part 2

An amazing thing happened this morning.  Yesterday I wrote about the things that happen in our lives which irritate me and how, by making changes, I've reduced the list to two.  This morning I woke to find that as I said 'good morning' I was waiting with a smile to see if Ash replied with his usual 'what?'.  He did and it made me smile even more.  I wasn't laughing at him you understand but just accepting what was happening and that acceptance made all the difference.  He isn't doing it because he's in a mood, he isn't doing it because he's cross, it's just part of who he is now and as a friend pointed out it may be that he's in his own world and hasn't properly heard me.  I'm very sure that Ash's first thoughts in a morning are more likely to be 'what day is it?', 'what am I supposed to do next?' or even 'where exactly am I?' rather than 'Jane's going to say good morning in a minute and I need to respond appropriately'.  The thing I'm very sure of is that the act of writing it all in this blog is the thing that made the difference.  Sharing those thoughts with all of you made it all so much clearer in my head.  I hope it helped you too.

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Lesley said…
Good news! :o)
Sarah H said…
Anonymous said…
I don't know if this would make a difference or not, but I wonder what would happen if, instead of saying, "Good Morning" you sang a little greeting. Like "Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day, I've got a beautiful feeling, Everything's going my way." from the musical Oklahoma. Or "Good morning, Good morning, Good morning, It's time to rise and shine!" I understand that music and songs are very different from spoken words in that people with dementia remember and respond to them differently. Ash might begin associating the tune with Morning, and you singing a little ditty versus saying two words might give his brain a bit more time to wake up and realize what is happening. Just an idea; it might not work at all! Thanks for your writings! Carla
Jane said…
I could do that Carla but whether I could actually bring myself to do it is another matter however I don't dismiss any suggestions so will give it a go if I get to the end of my tether. However this particular situation really doesn't seem to be bothering me now and it's obviously the acceptance thing all over again. Thanks for getting in touch and keep the suggestions coming.