'Stay at home' going better than expected
Life is much, much better than I thought it was going to be now we're confined to barracks with just a couple of blips to overcome. People have asked me since the beginning of all this how Ash is coping and I've said he's taking it all very calmly and that's true to a point. He's not in the least concerned about the virus but I have noticed him becoming anxious about the new rules and what we can and can't do including whether it's ok to have the doors and windows open (again nothing to do with the virus but just making sure we're complying with the rules). Yesterday I noticed that he was reluctant to do his usual afternoon dog walk and realised this was because he'd already been out in the morning and the rules say once a day. Now I may be wrong but I think this rule is to limit the number of people out in one place at any one time and, as you can walk for miles here without seeing another soul, I'm not sure it matters quite so much as it would if we lived in a town or city. What matters to Ash however is that we're doing as we're told and if he's anxious he doesn't function well so we've come to an agreement that he'll do the morning walk and I'll do the afternoon one which, after two days, is working very well indeed. The other slight blip came this morning when I went to do the shopping on my own. As you'll know if you read this blog regularly we have a set routine determining where we go, which shops we visit and what we buy so I was a little worried but he seemed to accept the change and was calm about it. When I got home however he was just ever so slightly out of kilter which was a bit of a concern but I stayed calm and everything was soon back to our new normal so think we might just about come through this unscathed. On the very positive side I'm now walking for 90 minutes each day, doing a daily Joe Wicks workout (the one for children but I have hopes I might get fit enough for a grown up one soon), gardening and having coffee and a chat with friends via video call. In fact it's also so peaceful here that I can feel myself relaxing by the minute.
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