Minor adjustments needed for a weekend away
Jake and the 6 year old are coming on Friday and staying the weekend so I can have a couple of days away on my own. This will be wonderful and something we did as soon as the easing of lockdown restrictions allowed. That time I sat in Jake's house for the two days relishing the peace, quiet and total lack of responsibility so I know what I have to look forward to and I can't wait. Last time there were a few wrinkles in our planning though. Ash had written in his diary that they were coming for the weekend but he hadn't added that I would be at Jake's. He did however talk about the whole thing to me so I, foolishly, thought that he'd taken it all on board and didn't think to check the reality. Jake and the (not so) little one arrived on Saturday morning and I left around an hour later assuming that everything was under control but it appears not and that day Ash lived up to his name of 'Grumps' in every possible way. Sunday he was much better but still managed to greet me with a list of complaints when I got home and appeared a little bewildered by the whole experience. The thing is that Jake obviously went home and thought about it, working out what went wrong and what lessons we needed to learn ready for this weekend, and came up with the following changes:
What I'm most impressed with though is that Jake went away and thought about what had gone wrong and what we could do to make sure this time was different. I have no idea what I'd do without him.
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- We now have a weekly planning board on the kitchen wall so that everything is written down in full view and not reliant on what Ash thinks to write in his diary. This weekend is on there in detail.
- I have made sure the detail is written in his diary as well as talking to him about it.
- Jake and the 6 year old are coming on Friday afternoon so that Ash has more time to get used to them being here before I leave on Saturday morning.
What I'm most impressed with though is that Jake went away and thought about what had gone wrong and what we could do to make sure this time was different. I have no idea what I'd do without him.
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