A successful weekend
I was a little concerned at the beginning of the weekend just because the forecast was for rain and low temperatures which isn't a great combination where Ash is concerned as, on those days, he can usually be found wandering around the house wondering what to do and being irritable with anyone who crosses his path (that would be me then). However, apart from Saturday which had to be carefully managed, the weekend has been just wonderful as far as he's concerned and all because our lovely neighbour appeared on the doorstep to say that he was about to take a chainsaw to a fallen tree and did Ash want to go and help. NOTHING could have been better and Ash spent all of yesterday barrowing logs backwards and forwards, taking photos and generally feeling useful. His self esteem went through the roof and he was capable once again. This morning saw him extending our log shelter and moving some of the new wood into it and there's still more to do. In fact, if I'm very lucky, it's possible that there's enough 'work' out there to keep him going for weeks.
As for me I went through our wardrobe, throwing out clothes which had seen better days and bagging up all the clothes which are now too big for me. I have to tell you there isn't much left! I was a little sad as I worked my way through Ash's side just because I threw out everything really apart from one decent pair of trousers, one shirt and the three identical outfits which he wears on a daily basis. He's never been a clothes horse in any shape or form but did like to look smart if we went out. Now however we very, very rarely go out and if we do there's only the one pair of trousers and the one shirt that he would agree to wear. It was another sign of how our lives have changed and a realisation that there will be no return to that old life. Getting rid of my clothes was cathartic but getting rid of his felt more like an acknowledgement that nothing will ever be the same again.
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