Cooking for one
Sorry about the lack of posts over the past two days. No crises either with Ash or myself but a problem with my left eye which left me struggling to focus for a while. All sorted now so normal service is resumed and I've been thinking what to write about which isn't always easy as I have so many topics whirring around in my head that I can struggle to pick just one. That's been the case here where I could choose between birthday celebrations, friends and cooking amongst others but have decided to go with cooking and save the rest for another day.
So, 'what about cooking?' I hear you ask. The reason for the topic is that I realised when I got home from the hospital yesterday with eyes still streaming from the drops which had been added that, even though I couldn't see properly, I wasn't dreading cooking supper as I once would have. I had to do the cooking obviously because Ash can't remember how to turn the oven on nowadays, he can't cope if his meal isn't on the table by 6.30 at the latest and he can't 'make do' with a sandwich as he would once have done. So I got home unable to see properly or focus on anything but just started cooking and managed to produce an edible meal so that was something to be proud of. Once upon a time Ash did every bit of the cooking and all I had to do was come home from work, sit at the table and wait to have my meal put in front of me so times have changed and, at the beginning, it was difficult. I'd forgotten how to cook you see; I had three dishes I could produce without thinking and I never tried anything new but life has changed and my cooking skills have improved along with those changes.
And 'what about the title of this post?' is the next question I hear you ask. The title came to me as I realised how often we hear people say 'there's only me and there's no point in cooking for one'. Well I cook for one every day. Ash really isn't interested in what meals I serve as long as the plate is full and he can taste it so all of the experimenting, the trying of new recipes, is for me and I've discovered that I love it. I love discovering new ways to cook things and, by trying out new recipes, I'm building up a repertoire for when this is all over and I can once again invite people for a meal only, unlike in the past when Ash would have been head chef, it will be me doing the cooking and how cool is that!!
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