Today - excellent in parts
Went again to the 'big' city to return the trousers I'd bought in error on Saturday and exchange them for some which would actually fit. Only problem was they didn't have them in Ash's size so had a refund and have now ordered them online. Then we went across the road to the Audi garage to find my much wanted red sports car only to find that it's now a 4 X 4 garage with some Audis in but not the one I wanted. Looked on Google and found the right place across the other side of the city, drove there to discover that car viewing is now by appointment only and, for various reasons, couldn't get an appointment for today. Went somewhere lovely for a cup of tea and sat in the sunshine to drink it then came home having bought nothing. So today could be described as a waste of time EXCEPT that Ash was lovely throughout the whole thing and is throwing himself into the car search with enthusiasm. In fact, for a short while, I almost had my husband back or at least a close replica. He enthused about driving across the city to find the Audi garage, he was more than happy to go for a cup of tea, he didn't mind that we couldn't buy new trousers for him and, best of all, when I had to find my way round a part of Lincoln that I'm not used to, he managed to direct me and get me on the right road. All of which is why, even though the day didn't go to plan, it was excellent in parts.