What gets you through this?

 Following yesterday's post regarding training my feelings I had a comment on Twitter suggesting that I should show my feelings and let my emotions flow so this morning, when the black clouds threatened to descend, I decided to let them in and see what happened.  Well I can tell you now that, while I'm sure it works well for some people, it does me no good whatsoever and I spent the morning feeling so sorry for myself I could barely function. I thought about everything I/we've lost; all the plans we had which are now gone, all the joint friendships which are changed beyond recognition and all the freedoms we both took for granted.  I thought about the things we used to do without thinking; those times we sat out in the garden until after dark just chatting or listening to the radio, all the holidays we took where we didn't talk to another soul the whole time we were away, the meals out, the visits to friends, the laughter, the fun, until I started to feel overwhelmed by everything that was now missing from our lives and I could feel myself going, once again, into that downward spiral.  Luckily however I recognised the signs in time, gave myself a shake and began to send my thoughts in a different direction, one where there is still laughter even if it's not with Ash, where there are still plans for a future even if it will be very different to the one I originally planned, where there are friends galore both old and new and where I'm beginning to forge a whole new me based on what I want from this new life.  So I'm training my thoughts to go in an upward direction and this morning it helped, as did the phone call with a friend after lunch, a trip to the hairdresser and tea out on the field with yet more friends later on.  And there you have it, a choice between letting my feelings show and my emotions flow in any way they wanted or getting them under control until I began to feel better.  Different things work for different people but this is what works for me.

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Unknown said…
Always do it your way Jane no-one except you knows how it is for you. Your way is the best way for you .Onwards and upwards xx
Jane said…
That's what I thought but just decided to see what happened if I let those thoughts and emotions go there own way. Not planning on doing it again.
Michelle said…
I'm so pleased I read this. I feel the same. All the time I'm being positive I'm fine. As soon as I let it get to me, I'm not. My husband (63) has recently been diagnosed with Lewy body Dementia. I surprise myself at times on where I get my strength from.
Frank said…
I like that quote from William James. I'm not convinced it's true. So I can't practice it with faith. I'm still exploring ideas along those lines. I've been as I am for all of my 72 years. It's really hard to believe that I can just stop being depressed and sad. I recall even as a boy that I was always second guessing myself while my brother, 2 yrs younger, was always free to go as he wanted. I don't think he ever looked back or was ever depressed. I suspect you will do well in your life now and into the future. Just smile and the world will smile with you. Is it really so?