Second birthday treat
Today began with an adventure. Not a big adventure in the normal scheme of things but in my dementia affected life it was so out of the ordinary as to be extraordinary and very, very exciting. So what was the exciting bit? Friends collecting me from the house so early this morning that it was still dark was the exciting bit. Gone are the days when I could do this without a thought or a plan in my head so I'd got up at 5.30 as soon as Ash woke and took him his cup of tea and medication. Went back downstairs to get ready for my birthday adventure then wrote two notes for him telling him where I'd gone, one for the side of the bed and one for next to the kettle so that he didn't panic when he got up and didn't panic when he went downstairs. My lift arrived at 6.40am on the dot and off we went to watch the sunrise. Now my hopes weren't high as I'd seen the weather forecast but we arrived at our chosen viewing point and waited in the car to see what happened and what happened was absolutely lovely. One of my favourite things to do if I wake early is to draw the curtains back and lie in bed watching the sky get lighter as the day moves towards dawn and that's exactly what happened as we sat on the seafront. No sunrise to see but instead a dark sky turning to grey and the sea beginning to shimmer as the light crept over it. Beautiful is a word that doesn't often spring to mind when we're talking about the North Sea but it really was beautiful. When we felt we'd seen everything there was to see it was off for breakfast and then a walk back to the car before driving home. On top of all that my birthday present of the day was a pack of two fluffy red dice to hang in the front of my new red car and once again I realised how lucky I am in my friends.
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All the best ladies drive red cars Jane.
Enjoy every moment, sunrise, North Sea shimmer and shiny red cars that you can.
Linzi x