A sense of achievement
Who'd have thought that a set of poles screwed together to make one long wiggly wand and pushed down a drain could bring such a sense of well being. I've NEVER had to clear the drains before. That was a boy job in this house along with mowing the lawn, chopping wood, decorating, changing the oil in the car, using a drill, fixing the plumbing ....... lots and lots of jobs which I never had to even think about never mind tackle. The sink in the kitchen has been slow to drain for months now though and last night I decided I'd ignored it for long enough. I knew where the relevant drain was, I knew who I could borrow the rods from so it was time to roll up my sleeves and get on with it. Today then was the day so I asked Ash to lift the cover and reveal the pipe in all its gory detail and that turned out to be the first challenge because I'd never watched that very boring part before so I didn't know how to get the cover off and he'd forgotten. Not only that but I stupidly made a suggestion while he was struggling and was shouted at for my pains but the very good thing was that not only did I keep my mouth tightly closed and left him to it but before long he came in to find me and admitted he needed help. Once we'd established that I was no better at it than he was we started to work as a team and eventually got the cover off and the rods inserted. I'd love, at this point, to be able to tell you that there was a huge blockage in the pipe which was instantly removed but there was nothing, at least not in the long stretch of drainage leading under the lawn however eventually, and you really don't need to know all the details, a bucket of water poured down the drain sent a huge fat ball flying out of the mouth of one particular pipe and we were good to go again in the drainage department at least. The drain cover was replaced, the rods cleaned up and everything else connected with the unblocking process was thrown in the bin then we looked at each with the knowledge that we'd done what we needed to do and went in for lunch. Team work at it's best I think.
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