Let the logging commence

Collected the chainsaw this afternoon so this has been a very good day; slightly odd but good on several counts.  Odd because Ash said he was having a bad day and would rather stay at home than go with me to collect it when usually he'll do anything to get out of the village but good because he recognised the confusion that comes on a bad day, talked about it and accepted it; Odd because I caved in and bought safety equipment/clothing to go with the new chainsaw but good because I listened to all of the friends who'd tried to tell me what I needed when I obviously didn't want to take any notice; Odd because I didn't immediately try out the new toy when I got home but good because I realised I needed to wait for the special trousers to arrive before I put it to the test; Odd because when I got home and tried to show Ash what I'd just bought he wasn't in the least bit interested but good because it didn't bother me, I was just pleased on my own behalf.  So all of those 'odd but good' moments meant the day was ok and then I realised once again how much I've changed.  I really did listen to advice, I really didn't need Ash's attention or approval to love my new purchase, I really did manage to research what I needed and go by myself to buy something that was different to anything I've ever bought or used before and I really am looking forward to being in charge of wood for the fire.  None of that would have been a reality in the past and it just shows that when something as huge as dementia creeps into your life it's not always the end, sometimes it can be an opportunity to become an entirely new you.

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Tehachap said…
Good for you and wonderful that Ash realizes when he's having a bad day and takes an appropriate attitude towards it by staying home and thereby reducing the opportunity for further stress. Working through the odds is a good thing... blessings to you.
Carol S said…
You are developing so many skills Jane that will benefit both of you in the long term and like you say, you might never have known what you were capable of without having to rise to the challenge of dementia. Wishing both of you many comfortable hours in front of a wonderful log fire 🤗
Jane said…
The logging didn't quite go to plan today but you're right about the gaining of new skills as I've already learned far more than I ever expected and yes Ash is getting much better at recognising the times when he's struggling so it's all pretty positive really.