The fun continues
As we know living alongside dementia isn't always the most fun but if we try hard enough there is fun to be had. You may remember that before Christmas I decided that one of my missions in life from then on was, wherever possible, to buy things which brought a smile to my face and I've decided that this has been one of the best decisions of my life. Even the boring can (almost) always be lifted out of the mundane and half the fun is looking for a better alternative. This afternoon it was the turn of the humble Thermos flask. A friend and I went for a walk and I took the coffee along in Ash's old flask which turned out to be much older and more fragile than I thought. We had the coffee but it was obvious that in future I would need a new one, one which didn't leak, and I was determined to find something a little different but without spending the earth. I found one, ordered it and will post photos for you to admire once it arrives but while I was doing the finding I realised that what I was doing was scrolling through pictures and pictures of flasks/bottles until, suddenly, one appeared which brought a smile to my face and that's how I knew I'd found 'the one'. My shopping really has become that easy. If it doesn't make me smile then I know to keep searching. Who knew that something as boring as a vacuum flask could bring with it such entertainment? And the best part? The new one was no more expensive than a replacement of the old one would have been. If you haven't tried this new way of shopping yet I suggest you give it a go and then let me know how you get on. It really could brighten your life.
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There is scientific evidence that smiling makes the brain produce chemicals including Seratonin and Endorphins and activate certain neurotransmitters that act as a pain reliever and antidepressant. Studies suggest smiling helps recovery from stress and reduces the
Heart rate. Even fake smiles in studies have shown to boost mood levels and raise happiness levels. Furthermore when we smile it encourages others to smile and then they reap the same benefits so everyone even when we don’t feel like it try a smile like Jane.