and I'm feeling good .......
I didn't sleep well last night so thought I was in for another zombie-like day. Nothing to do with Ash this time and no particular reason but there you go, it happens sometimes and at least there was nothing to get going for. One of the benefits of dementia is that I no longer go to work. This of course has some detrimental affects on my life such as a drop in income and fewer opportunities to use my brain but it also means that if I've had a bad night I can spend the next day doing nothing. You see? it's how you look at things that makes the difference. So I woke up feeling slow and lethargic with no idea how the day was going to go but not expecting much from it except that I needed to go and find wood to fill the log basket. That cheered me no end right up until I got out there, all togged up in my 'tangerine' outfit, pressed the button and ....... nothing, the battery was dead. Back to the shed I went, stripped off all the safety gear, put the battery on charge and then looked around for something else to do. For some reason I decided to look behind the hedge at the bottom of the garden where there is a path for Ash to use when he's cutting the hedge (and quite possibly soon to be a path for me to use when cutting the hedge). I have no idea what made me look but when I poked my head around the corner there, staring back at me, was a very long stretch of the path covered in wood; logs small and large, planks, branches, wood in all shapes and sizes just waiting to be collected and burned. I can only assume that Ash had put it all there when his wood yard was full and then had forgotten/ignored it all when life got too much for him but, whatever the reason, there it was looking at me and just asking to be burnt. I fetched the log basket, filled it and then carried it (tottering slightly under the weight) to the back door where I emptied the contents into a pile and went back for more. There is still lots and lots to collect and it will have to be done quickly before the nettles appear and cover it all but I'm so excited with my find. My only slight reservation with it all was that the chainsaw wouldn't be needed but have decided there's enough in there which will need reducing in size that I won't have to give up my current favourite pastime.
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