Chainsawing, almost as good as ........
........................ anything else I've ever done. Last night had been difficult so I was really struggling this morning and decided that I would spend the day doing absolutely nothing. It wasn't long however before I realised that doing nothing meant lying on the sofa staring, zombie-like, into space and getting depressed that yet another weekend away had been cancelled due to this nasty little virus which is currently roaming the earth. After a very short while this suddenly seemed such a waste that I turned my thinking around and decided instead that I would spend the day only doing things that I like/wanted to do. With that in mind my day went from a blank wasteland to an hour with the chainsaw which resulted in the largest pile of wood ready for burning that I've seen in a very long time; a session with my new sander and a wooden stool I've decided to paint ready for installing in my new bedroom; a flour storm in the midst of which I baked a batch of cheese scones for Ash to snack on; a production line making firelighters ready for use tonight and without which I'd struggle to get that newly sawn wood burning and, finally, a video chat with Jake and the 7 year old which saw Ash sitting down with us and chatting (a little) and listening (a lot). So once again a day which had potential for nothingness turned, instead, into a veritable hive of productivity and I'm positive that the chainsawing was the trigger for everything which followed. It really is almost the best fun you can have and the feeling of satisfaction when, at the end, I looked at the heap of wood I'd produced was off the scale.
I've now decided that I've spent too much time over the past few years being miserable so from now on if my day seems dark I've promised myself that I will only do things I really want to do and I've a feeling that chainsawing may feature quite heavily in all of that.