Sleep makes all the difference
Have now had two nights sleep and it really is amazing what a difference it makes. After five days of walking around in a fog I've rediscovered my sense of humour, I've managed to put that smile back in my voice when I speak to Ash and it seems we're back on track.
So my brain's functioning again but there's still more to celebrate. Yesterday I told you about the two item job list which Ash relished the reading of but that was all, well today he looked at it again, got the step ladder out and cleared the gutter at the front of the house. He was so pleased with himself when he'd finished that he couldn't stop grinning and, to be honest, neither could I because I have a fear of heights and was dreading having to do just that job.
And on top of all that my bedroom is working its magic so well that I've managed to relax enough to start reading again. I have to say here that I never actually stopped reading but it became a bedtime thing when my eyes were so tired I had to use an e-reader so that I could make the font bigger and I never properly relaxed enough to lose myself in a novel. So for years I've mostly read non fiction without the feel or smell of a book anywhere near me. Now I have my lovely bright bedroom with it's comfy chair and beautiful view out of the window, where I drink my coffee and eat my lunch and I've tried, at those times, reading a proper book again. I started with an old, battered and very familiar story which I've read so many times I barely had to look at the pages but this week I found on the shelves a novel I haven't read before. I've no idea how it got there, or when, but I opened it and immediately rediscovered the joys of losing myself in another world which, when you live a dementia affected life, is, I've realised, no bad thing.