Reasons to be cheerful

Lots of reasons to be cheerful at the moment.

  • Worked out (with a little help) why the gas cylinder is leaking and how to fix it.  New part arriving tomorrow.
  • Discovered why the oil gauge in the house is flashing and showing an odd symbol.  Plumber booked to fit a new one.
  • Work to replace the leaky veranda roof starts tomorrow morning.
  • Because of the work to the veranda roof a skip arrives in the morning which means I can start clearing sheds of the rubbish which has been accumulating over several years.
  • Been out and about meeting friends I haven't seen in ages, helped celebrate a birthday and have a wedding to look forward to at the end of the month.
  • New outfit for the wedding, in a size I haven't been able to get into for nearly 40 years, is now hanging in the wardrobe.
  • The weight I've lost is staying away.
  • The stats page for this blog is showing that yesterday 945 people looked at it.
If those aren't reasons to be cheerful I'm not quite sure what will do it.

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CW said…
Doesn't it feel wonderful to get things done when they need to be done, rather than having to wait on someone else to decide to take care of it? There's a lot of positive in caregiving that I didn't really see before now. One bad thing is I filled Robert's pill box last night after he went to bed. This evening, he complained that his pill box was all messed up. I went in to see what the problem was and he'd taken the evening pills as this morning's dose because he had the pill box upside down again... I apologized for not keeping better track of him... I had him take Sunday PM for tonight -- don't know what that will do to his system... I'll get him back on track tomorrow. Will have to find a way to take better control of his medication dispensing. :/
Carol S said…
Well done Jane - so many ticks against your to do list. Guess I’m going to have to change the habit of a lifetime - putting things off til tomorrow what I could do today - perhaps dementia will finally help me where New Years resolutions never have 🤗. Life is so much easier when you just get jobs done!!
Anonymous said…
Wow, that's amazing so many vital jobs done, I feel tired just looking at the list !!haha. Hopefully we will have some good weather next week and you can enjoy the garden and a good book
Jane said…
CW - I think one of the real benefits of this situation is that decision making. In some ways my life is full of compromise but there are so many things now that I can decide on without need for a discussion. Right at the beginning it frightened the life out of me but now I can't even begin to imagine having a discussion on what to do about something.

Carol S - I too used to be the queen of procrastination and the sheds full of rubbish are proof of it. I'm got better though ever since I realised that the jobs don't go away they just hover at the edge of my mind and drive me crazy until I do them.

Anonymous - it was a proper list wasn't it. Good weather next week would be lovely but my hopes aren't high so I've just booked 2 tanning sessions before the bronzed look all fades away. However I have the book at my side now and am just about to start reading while Ash watches yet another quiz show.