A cathartic exercise

 I've had a difficult couple of days which, although punctuated by good bits, meant I was in danger of falling into the doldrums.  However I really hate the way I feel when that happens and eventually something had to give.  I could choose to carry on feeling sorry for myself or I could pick myself up, dust myself off and do something to change the way I was feeling.  

I was given a bit of a kick start when I met up with a friend this lunch time.  We chatted, laughed, caught up on each other's news and I left with a smile on my face which always helps to lift a mood but what next?

Now those who know me well know that I hate housework but there's something cathartic about having a really good clear out so I decided I'd have a go at the kitchen cupboards.  It seemed a very long time since I'd set about this particular task and the discovery of a packet of something almost unidentifiable with a 'best before' date of 2006 proved that point.  In my defence that packet was right at the back of the top shelf which I can't reach unless I stand on something  but still, you'd think I would have had the urge to clear out before this.

The low point of my afternoon was when I emptied an old box of porridge oats into a carrier bag only to watch it pour out of the hole in the bag and onto the floor.  The high point was discovering I'd thrown out enough unwanted items to create a whole spare cupboard which now houses all the gadgets that had been dotted around in spaces known only to me.

I haven't finished as there are other cupboards just waiting to be emptied but I have a sense of achievement and a feeling of well-being which makes me want to carry on and it was certainly better than sitting around wishing life was different.  

I might even post pictures of it all when I'm finished.

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