Back on track (I think)

 You'll be pleased to hear that we've had a much better day today and I think we might be back on track.

For the first time in four nights Ash didn't wake up in the early hours which always helps and, as a consequence, we were much calmer.  

To be honest I think he was even more exhausted than I was which would explain yesterday but at the time I was a little concerned that we were in for another downward slide.  Or was I concerned? I'm not entirely sure about that which might horrify some of you but we all know what's coming and at the moment my whole life is on hold.  Being confined to this house right now is fine.  I don't let myself think that things could be any other way, the weather is (mostly) warm and I can keep us both busy in the garden but I'm not sure how long I can keep it up.

I'm here and I'm not going anywhere but there are times, even when Ash is happy, when the light at the end of the tunnel seems a long way away.

Anyway, for now, we're ok again and it's all more than manageable so I refuse to feel sorry for myself.  We're working on the garden together which is nice, I'm getting through books at a rate of knots and, if the sun ever comes out again, those sun loungers are waiting.

Oh, and today's puzzle?  A 5l can full of black adhesive paint stands in the shed without its lid.  That lid was in place this morning and now it isn't but neither is it anywhere to be seen and that small fact is driving me crazy.  I've searched everywhere I can think including all of the bins but still no sign of it.  I'll let you know if I find it but in the meantime suggestions of what I can use in place of the lid will be gratefully received, especially if they help me find it before I knock the can over.    

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