The pork pie saga continues
This morning we had a visit from Mark a lovely Admiral Nurse who's there to support us and give us ideas and strategies should we need them. The very best news as far as I was concerned is that he knows about Contented Dementia and was interested in what I'd learned from the wonderful Penny Garner and then, on top of that, he took away with him some of my business cards showing details of the blog so that he can hand them out to other families he visits. The visit was a great success in that Ash was happy to chat about his days at work but also happy to talk a little about his dementia which is a great step forward. He's going to call on a regular basis now because it seems to me that since we've had professionals coming into the house Ash is getting more and more confident with talking about his dementia which, in turn, is making him more relaxed about it all.
Once Mark had left it was lunch time at which point Ash realised he hadn't taken a pork pie out of the freezer however when he came through to tell me he said that, as we were going shopping tomorrow, he'd wait and use the fresh ones we were going to buy. I was so impressed with this joined up thinking that, briefly, I was speechless but quickly agreed that was a good idea and left him to get his sandwich before finding something for me to eat. Half an hour later I went into the kitchen and found myself staring at a frozen pork pie on the worktop!! At that point Ash came through and began to explain why the pork pie was out of the freezer. What happened next was entirely my fault and what on earth made me think he needed to be reminded of his original plan I have no idea but remind him I did and he replaced it in the freezer but the story doesn't end there because a few minutes later he came through, clearly distressed, to explain all over again why he had to get the pork pie out again and it dawned on me, far too slowly of course, that it didn't matter whether the one he ate tomorrow was a fresh one or a previously frozen one. What mattered was that he knew without a doubt today that there would be pork pie for lunch tomorrow. One of these days I'll learn.
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